Four Questions

Entertainment Media from my perspective is any type of program, social media, or article that helps inform or allows the reader, viewer, or user desirable enjoyment.  This can involve anything such as Twitter, Facebook, ESPN, Jay Leno, digital articles of Sun News, etc.  I spend most of my week with entertainment media all around my environment.  From online, to the television, to the newspaper, I am using it in one or another.  Entertainment media is more popular than news or other media because people are more intrigued by their environment and what other people are doing around them.  People would rather watch something that is enjoyable oppose to another murder case or gas prices rising.  Lately, most news has turned into mostly negative news.  To make news media more appealing like entertainment media, different aspects of the program will need to be more tailored to the viewer or user.  It is almost like the Agenda Setting Theory, which states the news media informs the public of what they believe the public wants to hear.  This way people will be more interested in what is being communicated to them.  Another element that would help the news media would be to advertise and market programs or shows more to reach more potential viewers.  I believe that we should apply these elements to the news media, but keep it limited.  What I mean by this is to still inform the viewers of important information, but to somehow make it more exciting and enjoyable for those watching.

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About Me

My name is Luke Maslow.  I am a senior communication major with a minor in journalism at Coastal Carolina University.  I am the youngest of four within my family, consisting of two sisters and one brother.  My parents named me after the character Luke in Star Wars and my older brother Jed with his middle name starting with an I, giving you Luke and Jedi.  My sisters are both named after characters in Star Trek.  Originally from Reisterstown, MD, I decided to attend Coastal Carolina University for a few reasons; the beach, the women, and the weather.  After being down here for only a little while, I decided to join a fraternity on campus, Pi Kappa Phi.  As a freshman I was eager to get involved, so I decided to join a few other organizations around campus as well.  Some of those other organizations were WCCU Student Radio, SGA, Housing (Resident Assistant), The Chanticleer (Newspaper), Peer Leader for FYE classes for freshman, as well as taking on key roles within the fraternity.  After college, I plan to cycle across the country from Long Beach, CA to Washington, DC to help people with disabilities through a program called Journey of Hope.

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I do not mind using this blog in order to submit my assignments for Entertainment Media.

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